To put it plainly, fat-shaming Gov. Christie is not cool with us. Two reasons: (1) Size has nothing to do with why he sucks as governor (2) It's just mean. To be clear, we don't think our FB users are any meaner than anybody else (us included); it's more about the nature of Facebook, where mean memes, skirmishes, and name-calling are common.
Today, the photos of Christie in a baseball uniform tested everybody. I had to lay down the law at Facebook, which most people got (beyond, uh, the guy with the big photo of Jackie Gleason). But you know who put it much better than I did? The Star-Ledger: Grow up, and lay off Christie for the baseball pants | Editorial:
Ask yourself: Are you still in fifth grade?
The baseball pants photos have gone viral, in the most cretinous way. Enough of this ghoulish feed fest. It was a charity event. Star-Ledger Columnist Steve Politi is right - lay off him.
If Christie were a female politician, would we tolerate this degree of nastiness? Are we really ok with counting the wrinkles on Hillary Clinton's face?Just because you are not a fan of Chris Christie doesn't mean you should be body-shaming him.
We don't love Christie. And when we criticize him, we'll be specific. There will be links. I hope it's not insubstantial or stoopid. If it is, call us on it. Meanwhile, relax, be nice, and go read the Ledger's whole piece. It's everything today.